Om Pernilla Nolåkers

Pernilla Nolåkers’s the name and I’m a positive girl of 27 years with roots in Dalarna. Works as an industrial designer at 3M to develop personal safety equipment. When im not dorky sketching plastic parts or searching the net after new fonts Im really into adventure sports, entrepreneurship, training, charity & nature. The purpose of this page is to have a place to get additional outlet for my creativity + to motivate and inspire myself to do even more!

W. 51

Baby-swim lesson, christmas prep, winter workouts, seeing friends & family, gone to "Öppna förskolan" and sent out christmas cards. Love [...]


Saw this ad for our helmet at LinkedIn yesterday. Crazy to see the stuff you worked with for so long [...]


Started the week with a baby-swimming lesson. Astrid enjoys them a lot, splashing around in the water a lot, until [...]

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